Leave the paper trails behind
Boost employee performance, efficiency, and client satisfaction with Title Leader’s automated title search solution, the SMART Dashboard™.
Data is centralized into three buckets
All continuously updated in the SMART Dashboard
Ordering, Tracking, & Receiving
Order, track, and receive searches, commercial or residential, for any property in all 50 states. Completed searches are consolidated in PDF format with a typed summary page. Easily view, download, or email with a click.
Abstractor Communication
Centralized and standardized communication for search interrupting problems. With email and text alerts, you will never overlook or misplace anything again.
Invoice Management & Reporting
Each order instantly creates a matching invoice that is constantly displayed and updated in real-time. Invoices are 100% accurate and can be paid at any time with a single click. Schedule custom/standard reports delivered straight to your team’s inboxes.
- Order Tracking
Know the status of every search in every order in real-time, from any device. Never be dependent on an abstractors availability or responsiveness. Never lose track of any order, ever. Have peace of mind, 24/7, knowing your team is organized and running smoothly.
- Turn-around status
Continuously updated turn-time status is displayed for you, demonstrating Title Leader’s commitment to accountability.
- History
All completed search orders are always at your fingertips and fully searchable using any criteria, in any search, including who ordered it.
- Alerts
Get real-time, typed notes on every issue that needs your attention. Centralized, direct communication with abstractors means faster problem resolution. No forgotten/misplaced emails, notes, or voicemails ever again. You can even assign text or email alerts to get immediate notification.
- Never Lose Anything
Need to put a search on hold when your client tells you they can’t solve its problem now, but not cancel it? Just click “Save for later”. Once you get the clarification from your client, you can just reply to the abstractor without ever having to re-enter the search order.
- Book-keeper Heaven
You and your bookkeeper can see real-time information on open invoices, open invoice aging, and paid invoices. You can even search the entire database for any invoice, open or paid. No more wasting time searching through emails, notes, hard copy files or calling/visiting coworkers offices to find.
- Recent Invoices
Your complete history of invoices is centrally located, stored in the cloud and constantly accessible. All invoices and payment histories are 100% accurate, because invoices mirror orders and duplication of ordering and payment are impossible by design.
Introducing the SMART Dashboard®
Every step of the title-search process can now be managed in one place with Title Leader’s fully-automated, easy-to-use dashboard. Each data bucket is represented on one screen, giving you a full snapshot of your entire operation.