Efficiency gains for firms of all sizes
Title Leader eliminates hundreds of wasted hours spent manually title-searching by automating every step in the process, letting you and your team accomplish more than ever before.
Increased Productivity
Without adding staff
Title Leader is a one-of-a-kind platform, designed specifically for legal teams serving tax lien investors who manage a high volume of title searches, and are dissatisfied with the frustrating, time-consuming process. Title Leader eliminates hundreds of wasted hours spent manually title-searching by automating every step in the process, letting you and your team accomplish more than ever before.
Title Leader provides benefits for every stakeholder in your company.
Which are you?
Title Leader will allow you to improve the quality of work-life through boosting morale by eliminating the constant, unavoidable headaches and aiding in the disappearance of a difficult, time-wasting series of daily problems. This will create “Bookkeeper Heaven” where your bookkeeper will free up from hours of profit-dragging waste, to concentrate on far more important tasks. This will give you the ability to eliminate backlogs that vacations used to create, in turn reducing employee-dread of returning to work through an easy to use system with almost no training required.
Admin Team
Through Title Leader you will be given the freedom from a historical source of employee burnout and the resulting turnover, by establishing a sense of accomplishment and pride, improving morale as well as the group’s value to the firm. You will be given the ability to reduce absenteeism and eliminate hundreds of wasted admin and bookkeeping hours and reduce employee conflict caused by the reduction of cumulative task-frustration. There will be no more disjointed workflow silos between individual teammates, resulting in higher productivity goals in less time and strengthening the sense of team.
Title Leader allows you to transform hundreds of hours from administrative work to profit generation. Title Leader standardizes the workflow, which means no more being held hostage by team members having their own unique, non-recorded methodologies. Any team member can pick up where another left off, with no issues. Title Leader’s report function lets managers see what work is being done by whom, improving your quality control methods. No more important tasks or information falling through the cracks. The SMART Dashboard is also incredibly easy to learn, so little to no training is required.
Your company will be able to reduce the number of under-utilized and over-utilized staff by using Title leader’s automation for your team’s heavy lifting, so you can grow volume without adding staff. This automation system will also allow you to gain scalability ease and transform multiple fixed-expenses like personnel, payroll taxes, occupancy, rent, and others into a single variable without hiring additional personnel. The company will then be able to reduce varying performance levels of employees in all 11 steps with standardized performance of centralized automation, leading to an increase in productivity and reduced overhead all while increasing net income. All of this will improve customer retention due to faster performance with a higher quality of work-product.
Owner / Partner
Through Title Leader you will gain a more stable employee base with a stronger, more capable admin team to provide your firm with greater staying power. This will allow you to generate greater revenue and an increased reputation for sound decision-making among peers and within your enterprise, giving you a leg-up over your competitors. All of this will give you greater peace of mind, knowing your company is operating at optimal efficiency.
"I love innovations in our industry...
Title Leader created a remarkable new tool that will benefit our members immediately. I’m glad there are people out there making remarkable products like this."
Brad Westover
Executive Director, NTLA
What is Title Leader & who is it for?
We offer two things to two different types of clients:
- National, title production-services
- Workflow-automation software platform
A full suite of back-office services for title & escrow companies, and title insurance underwriters. We’re the 800lb gorilla of title services, and we make scaling easy. We let our clients grow faster and with fewer people.
for the default services industry: foreclosure law firms/trustees, mortgage servicers, due diligence firms in the capital markets industry, developers and much more. Our cloud-based software automates the mandatory, 11-step process of handling title searches. We save each client hundreds of hours each month.
Can I use my existing abstractors & vendors if I use Title Leader’s software?
Yes…or use ours…or use both. Totally up to you. Keep yours, and use ours for all new areas of expansion. Use yours for residential and ours for commercial…or the other way around. Let’s put it this way: If you need ours, you’ll have access to our boots on the ground in all 3,000+ counties of the nation. If you don’t need ours, then our vendor portal is easy for all of your abstractors to use. You’re covered either way. And, either way, our platform will save you hundreds of hours.
What is Title Leader's pricing?
- National, title production-services
- Automated workflow is lowest cost. We have integrations with all the major title platforms.
- Direct data-entry workflow – We enter info. into your platform using third-party login credentials you provide. We function like one of your team members.
- Email workflow – Old school but totally fine.
- Workflow-automation software platform
- If you use your abstractors – Monthly subscription fee based on volume & number of users. Simple.
- If you use Title Leader’s abstractors – Free. No subscription fees nor user limits, nor any contract. Our abstractor partners will pay us a tiny portion of each search you order. Simple.
Pricing is a factor of which services you want, your volume and which workflow you require. Let’s hop on a call so we can price for you.
for the default services industry: foreclosure law firms/trustees, mortgage servicers, due diligence firms in the capital markets industry, developers and much more. Our cloud-based software automates the mandatory, 11-step process of handling title searches. We save each client hundreds of hours each month.